A zookeeper accidentally let a gorilla loose, and the gorilla escaped.
He called the zoo owner and told him what happened
As cheap as the zoo owner was, he told the guy to get a gorilla costume, and replace the gorilla for now, because he didn’t want to buy a new gorilla.
So that’s exactly what the man did.
He ordered a gorilla costume and went to work.
When the people came to see him, he pounded his chest and moved like a gorilla.
He even made the right sounds.
Right under him was the lion’s cage
One day, as he was running around chanting like a gorilla, the bottom of his cage broke and he fell into the lion’s cage
Terrified, he started screaming, ‘Somebody, help me, please! I am begging you!’.
The lion kept getting closer. ‘SOMEBODY HELP ME!’ the man shouted even louder.
The Lion ran to him and said, ‘Shut up you im*becile! You are going to get us both fired.
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