An old man on his death bed has spent his

 entire life pinching pennies and clinging to all

 of his money. Friendless, he is surrounded by

 his priest, doctor, and lawyer. 

Just before he dies he tells them, "I know most

 people say that you can't bring

money with you after you die, but I want you to

 all throw this into my grave just as they are

 about to bury me." With this being said he

 hands them all envelopes with $50,000 in


After his funeral the three are discussing the

 money. The doctor says, "I have to confess

 something. I've really been wanting a vacation

 so I only threw $40,000 in."

The priest follows, "I must also confess. We

 are renovating the church so I only threw in

 $25,000. I feel terrible."

The lawyer lashes out at them, "You guys are

 terrible! Not only did I throw in the $50,000 he

 gave me, but I added my own $10,000."

The doctor replies, "Why in the world would

 you give that greedy man your money?"

The lawyer replies, "He was a good man so I
 wrote him a check for the full amount."